Friday 8 July 2011

Good Maps, Bad Maps

The conflict in Sudan has resulted in many maps of the region attempting to clarify the complexities of the problems being faced there.

Here's one of oil consortiums:

Firstly, after going through all the trouble of assigning colours to the different areas the mapmaker has neglected to use them in the key, forcing the user to rely on on numbers to differentiate data in the legend.
Also, the inset map showing Sudan's location on the African continent could have been placed in an area a bit further from the part of the map in the bottom-right that is already laden with so much information.
The scale could have, in my opinion, been placed horizonally along the bottom of the map to free up some space.
And how bout a North arrow?

This one looks like it was thrown together in 2 minutes to meet a deadline using the Paint program.

Again, no North arrow.
Here's one showing the country's major tourist attractions and the route for the walking tour. Where's the zoo?

Apparently only four colours existed in the world when this map was made:

Why do the oil pipelines have to be the same colour as the Petronas section of the pie chart? Does Petronas control the pipeline?

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