Wednesday 1 April 2009

Tonpatate Tonkotsu Ramen とんぱたてとんこつラーメン

Katakuracho is a bed-town on the Yokohama subway line, between Yokohama and Shin-Yokohama.
It's 6 minutes, two stops and ¥230 from Yokohama by train and about an hour walking over a ridiculous hill (not so bad at night since you’re rewarded with a view of Yokohama).
There isn’t very much in Katakuracho..

Luckily, there's Tonpatate tonkotsu ramen .

Tonpatate is the best ramen I’ve tasted in Japan - the benchmark by which I measure other ramen. And it’s not just my opinion; I've seen many a ramen aficionado come to Tonpatate to stand outside and take pictures of the shop.

The building itself is small, so there’s an outdoor seating area for overflow, of which there is plenty. If you go, make sure to time your visit so that you arrive about halfway between train arrivals at the station. Otherwise, you’ll find yourself waiting in line outside for a while.

I’ve gone there when it was raining, believing myself shrewd, to find myself standing in line for 15 the rain....because it’s full.

There’s no machine so you have to tell one of the three cooks (or the welcome girl /waitress when she’s there) what you want. The cheapest is the 'ramen' - ¥500.

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