Sunday 11 September 2011

Friday 2 September 2011

Google Correlate

Google correlate allows you to find search patterns which correspond with real-world trends bydrawing your own graph

How Old Is Your Globe?

Replogle is the world's largest globe manufacturer. One can discern the age of one's globe by checking their list of old vs present country names .

Montenegro 2006 Serbia and Montenegro E. of Italy
Serbia and Montenegro 2003 Yugoslavia (part)* E. of Italy
East Timor 1999 Indonesia isle N. of Australia
Congo, Dem. Repub. Of * 1997 Zaire * Central Africa
Samoa 1997 Western Samoa S. Pacific Ocean
Czech. Rep. 1993 Czechoslovakia S. of Germany & Poland
Eritrea * 1993 Ethiopia (part) N. of Ethiopia, S. end of Red Sea